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2nd Annual Charity Ski Night

Thank you SO MUCH for your support with our 2nd Annual Beaver Mountain Charity Ski Night!

Throughout tabling, selling tickets, and seeing you up on the mountain, it was nice to get to know you. We were blown away by the amount of support and interest you had in helping our non-profit organization succeed in our mission, to provide impactful opportunities to inspire children to fulfill their world of potential.

From this event alone, we raised $1,673.43! $1,120 was from ticket sales, and $553.43 was from your additional donations! We blew our goal out of the water, all thanks to your help!

With these donations, our goal is to build a computer college at Tabarak Children’s Home in Mombasa, Kenya. By 2030, 50% of jobs in Kenya are projected to require basic computer skills, and only 15% of their young adults have access to computers. Limited access to technology means limited job prospects and a limited chance at socioeconomic advancement.

In 2023, we built an office for social workers to help support the orphans in their educations while working towards placing them in healthy, happy, and safe foster homes.

With the money we raised in 2023, we were able to:

  • Build and furnish the office at Tabarak Orphanage.

  • Install steel doors and security measures to keep the donated office equipment safe.

  • Purchase school supplies and uniforms for all of the Tabarak children.

  • Purchase a set of sheets for each kid at Tabarak.

    • This is the first time they have had sheets on their beds!

  • Start a tailoring college, purchasing 8 tailoring machines that will:

    • Teach orphans an income-generating skill for free.

    • Provide classes to those in their impoverished community.

    • Provide income to the orphanage from the tailoring classes.

  • Install desks and electrical outlets to set the orphanage up to have a computer college and start teaching computer skills.

The tailoring college has had so much success that they have been able to raise funds to repair and utilize five additional machines with hopes to continue expanding.

Thank you again for your support this year at our Beaver Mountain Charity Ski Night! We are excited to continue raising support to help every child, everywhere, have a world of opportunity open for them!


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