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How It All Started

World of Opportunity started out as a seed of hope in the wildest dreams of 2 girls. They wanted to make a lasting impact and help the world become a better place.

They knew that while everyone wants to do good - it's often hard to find a nonprofit to donate your time and money to that is transparent, ethical, impactful, and beneficial to the community.

Seeing this problem in the community - they set out to solve it. They created an organization that does everything they could ever dream of in a non-profit, and started to raise money the best way possible - through community events!

Within the first 8 months, they raised over $6,000.....

With that small portion of money, they didn't just check one goal off the list- they checked 4 items off the list!

While working with Tabarak Children's Home in Mombasa, Kenya, they:

- Purchased 30 children's school supplies and sent them back to school.

- Started a tailoring college to:

- Teach orphans an income-generating skill for free

- Provide classes to those in their impoverished community

- Have the tailoring college's income stay within the orphanage as a source

of funding to the orphans.

- Build and furnish an office at the orphanage to allow children to be placed in

loving, safe foster homes.

- Install desks and electrical outlets to set the orphanage up to have a computer

college and start teaching computer skills (by May 2024).

To learn more about the foundation of World of Opportunity Foundation, check out our "About Us" Page! To see more details on exactly where each and every donation goes, check out our "Finances" page!

Thanks for following along with our journey, and welcome to the World of Opportunity Family!!

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